Rebellion Dogs Radio

Rebellion Dogs 56 Relatability and Accessibility of AA Literature

Joe C Season 1 Episode 56
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00:00:00 | 01:03:49

Alcoholics Anonymous prepares for the 2021 April General Service Conference. The program—at the time of writing—is now circulated, and Literature has a few items including a modification to Big Book text. There is a video accessible to members of groups (and anyone) who knows a General Service Representative. Our fellowship, right now, is looking at the book’s relatability and literacy as it relates to today’s newcomer. If you want to know the issues, we will share the link/video with you. If you have a connection to the original text, you are being invited to review the concerns shared by fellow members and weigh in. Issues of literacy an accessibility are being researched. Societal changes that might leave the book’s current wording offending or alienating today’s newcomers are being considered.

Edition Two of Alcoholics Anonymous came out in 1955, 20 years into AA. In 1976 the Third Edition was released and in 2001, our current, Edition Four came out. That was 20-years-ago. According to custom, it is time to talk about a new edition. The video by the General Service Office outlines concerns today, sometimes borrowing from our founder’s own thought about AA:

“Since the audience for the book is likely to be newcomers, anything from the point of view of content or style that might offend or alienate those who are not familiar with the program should be carefully eliminated,” Bill W in consideration of the Second Edition.

Gender-bias, hetro-normative, theistic and antiquated language, the book’s current literacy level and religious bias are worldwide concerns right now.

For those who find Living Sober more relevant changes are afoot here as well it offers a secular, rational and contemporary approach to AA sobriety. It's available to read online now at

There's a lot going on and we seek your feedback, too. Have a listen, have your say.

Our musical artist is As Waters from the 2016 album of the same name. We feature "Hollywood Ending."

Visit our site for links to music, resources and video referred to in Episode 56

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