Rebellion Dogs Radio

Recovery After Rehab: Dr Joe Nowinski on Episode 62

August 14, 2021 Joe C Season 7 Episode 62

Joe Nowinski is back in Rebellion Dogs Radio sights as we think his new book satisfies a previously unmet need. Recovery After Rehab: A Guide for the Newly Sober and their Loved Ones is like the owners manual to your new sober life. "So, I'm finished my stint in rehab; what do I do now? What do I do first?" 

For all the $$$ you spent and/or your health provider spent on your in (or out) patient care to treat alcohol  use (or other drug) disorder, the $28 for this book will help improve outcome rates. 

Do you want a 40% change at sustained, engaging recovery for an 80% chance? Some of that will be informed by decision you make in the first days, months and year of sobriety.

For those of us in long-term recovery the book offers some hows and whys with reporting on studies that define what habits lead to better outcome rates? How many meetings a month do I have to attend? How long do I have to keep going? Well, now there's some data on this, based on people a lot like us.

Recovery After Rehab looks into Medically Assisted Recovery, mental health, creating a recovery lifestyle, relationship damage and how to move forward, slips and relapse. There is a catalogue of peer-to-peer recovery fellowships, explaining SMART, Women for Sobriety and varieties of AA and other 12-step options.

This is Dr Joe's second visit. We cover his decades of clinical care and academic study of people with substance use disorder and how much more has been revealed so far this century.

Show notes @ Rebellion Dogs Publishing

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