Rebellion Dogs Radio

Meet Michael, author of We Sober Agnostics (2023)

January 26, 2023 Joe C Season 3 Episode 71

Michael is a professor, musician, journalist and author. Having just written a Living Sober-size booklet, Michael is our guest to make a case for AA for people, even if they are skeptical about the higher power stuff. He shares how in he neither looks for a war of worldviews nor bites his tongue. This first contemporary recovery print offering of 2023 is a great for secular AA Zoomers in search of new meeting starters. It's a good read for anyone new to AA, from one who has been there.

If his "AA can work" argument, or your personal AA experience aren't convincing, We Sober Agnostics shows us how to find SMART, Women For Sobriety or other peer 2 peer groups that might be a better fit.

Our musical guest Your EX and I (YXNI) from Montreal drop a 2023 teaser to their upcoming recording. This synth-pop tune  is "For all the Loves" so, if that's what you're into, get into YXNI HERE 

Amazon, We Sober Agnostics: The Survival Guide for Agnostics, Atheists and Non-Believers in 12-Step Programs


Check out our liner notes and more RebElliOn dOgs RaDiO 

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